Outlook4Gmail Changelog
Release notes v. 5.5.1 (December 9rd, 2024):
- Improved application stability and performance.
Release notes v. 5.5.0 (September 3rd, 2024):
- Added the ability to retrieve and save Outlook contact items using Redemption Data Objects.
- Implemented a workaround to get and create Google Groups.
- Implemented a workaround to check and handle duplicated Google People item IDs.
- Implemented a workaround to fix deprecated Google system groups (family, friends, workers).
- Implemented a workaround to support large data and FBS quota limits using Google People API.
- Improved application stability and performance.
Release notes v. 5.4.0 (November 2nd, 2021):
- Migrated to Google People API with deprecation of the Google Contacts API from December 15, 2021.
- Improved application stability and performance.
Release notes v. 5.3.4 (October 5th, 2021):
- Implemented workaround fix for Google API-specific HTTP Batch Request for Calendars and Tasks.
- Improved application stability and performance optimization.
Release notes v. 5.3.3 (November 3rd, 2020):
- Improved application stability and performance optimization.
Release notes v. 5.3.2 (September 12th, 2020):
- Implemented Google API-specific HTTP Batch Endpoints for Calendars and Tasks.
- Improved application stability and performance optimization.
Release notes v. 5.3.1 (August 17th, 2020):
- Fixed insert of Calendar Events and Tasks with updated Google Service batching requests URL format.
- Fixed support of customized Microsoft Store Office working folder (Centennial version).
- Improved application stability and performance optimization.
Release notes v. 5.3.0 (July 24th, 2020):
- Outlook4Gmail is FIPS-compliant now!
- New Green code signing certificate is applied.
- Fixed retrieving Google contacts with AutoPaging default value.
- Improved processing of Batch operations for Google Contacts.
- Improved syncing of Contact Phone numbers in various formats.
- Added retrieving and adding Google Labels with exponential back-off.
- Fixed retrieving Google contact pictures without server error “Too Many Requests 429”.
- Added support of long names to Google labels (up to 400 symbols), Outlook folder (up to 255 symbols), Google Calendar names (up to 254 symbols).
- Implemented handling of “Rate Limit Exceeded” and “Precondition Failed” server errors for Google items.
- Improved and fixed support of Microsoft Store Office (Centennial version).
Release notes v. 5.2.0 (October 30th, 2019):
- Improved syncing algorithm based on Microsoft Outlook Messaging API.
- Optimized syncing performance by caching Outlook items.
- Optimized performance of duplicated items check.
- Implemented handling of “Request Entity Too Large” and “Bad Gateway” server errors for Google items.
- Improved and fixed Phones syncing.
- Improved and fixed Chat (IM Address) set syncing.
- Improved and fixed Web Page syncing.
- Implemented retrieving of SMTP address for Exchange User by session Recipients table.
- Fixed and updated Standard Time Zones naming.
Other updates:
- Product site and URLs are translated to German.
- “Welcome” page is displayed at the first start.
- Improved processing of Batch operations for Google Contacts.
- Improved and fixed support of Microsoft Store Office (aka Centennial) version.
Release notes v. 5.1.4 (May 22th, 2019):
- Sync algorithm improved by the ability to check and analyze similar items.
- Changed the way of syncing Phones set; support for standard, undefined and named labels in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese.
- Option to skip sync Birthdays and Anniversaries.
Changed the way to get an SMPT e-mail address for Exchange User.
Stability and performance optimization
- Improved processing of bad formatted Birthday and Anniversary dates from Google.
- Google Group synchronization is improved.
- Improved the way of processing Batch operations for Google Contacts.
- Changed the way of using Messaging API with different data storages.
- Improvements and fixes to OAuth user authenticate.
- Changed and improved exponential backoff algorithm of checking and getting Outlook application object.
- Fixes and Improvements to Microsoft Store Office (aka Centennial) version.
User interface and usability
- Support Simplified Ribbon for Microsoft Office 2019.
Release notes v. 5.1.3 (January 29th, 2019):
- Support Office/Outlook 2019.
- Support Office/Outlook from Microsoft Store (Centennial).
- Support multiple monitors with different DPI scaling.
- Improved user interface and usability.
- Improved application stability and performance optimization.
Release notes v. 5.1.2 (May 23rd, 2018):
- Improved user interface and usability.
- Improved application stability and performance optimization.
- Privacy Policy changed to comply with GDPR (European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations).
Release notes v. 5.1.1 (January 15th, 2018):
- Support for French language.
- Improved user interface and usability.
- Improved application stability and performance optimization.
Release notes v. 5.1.0 (September 21st, 2017):
- Synchronization of Google Contact Group/Label with selected Outlook folder and vice versa.
- User interface and usability improvement.
- Stability and performance optimization of Outlook4Gmail is increased.
Release notes v. 5.0.0 (April 5th, 2017):
- Task synchronization option.
- Sync recurring Outlook Tasks with Google Task list.
- User interface and usability improvement.
- Stability and performance optimization of Outlook4Gmail is increased.
Release notes v. 4.6.3 (March 14th, 2017):
- “0 Minutes” reminders support.
- An issue with Google “Interesting Calendars” (Holidays, Sports) is fixed.
- Application stability and performance optimization is increased.
- Other non-critical fixes.
Release notes v. 4.6.2 (January 11th, 2017):
- Synchronization “My Contacts” from Google only (contacts from “Other” and “Most Contacted” groups are skipped).
- Synchronization appointment reminders and event notifications.
- Increased application stability, performance optimization, various non-critical fixes.
Release notes v. 4.6.1 (June 6th, 2016):
- Added proxy settings customization.
- Implemented “Bypass Phone Type” option for Contacts synchronization (sync phone numbers without association with phone type).
- Added ability to skip scanning of the Public folders (Exchange Server).
- Added support of non-standard font sizes and DPI settings.
- Increased application stability, optimized performance, various non-critical fixes.
Release notes v. 4.6.0 (May 2nd, 2016):
- Added Contacts synchronization from multiple Outlook folders with a Google account.
- Implemented customization of synchronization rules for any Gmail account or Outlook folder.
- Improved user interface for Calendar synchronization rules, Google accounts dialog, updated System Tray messages.
- Fixed scheduled synchronization issues (deleting appointments, apply of updated options.
- Increased application stability, optimized performance, various non-critical fixes.
Release notes v. 4.5.1 (April 6th, 2016):
- Implemented a workaround for syncing daily appointments in Outlook 2003.
- Improved processing of Appointment exceptions using Extended MAPI.
- Increased application stability, performance optimization, various non-critical fixes.
Release notes v. 4.5.0 (March 3rd, 2016)
- Implemented new design.
- Multilingual User Interface (English, German and Russian).
- Added a tool to fix contact’s birthday date without year.
- Fixed inter-process communication issue in synchronization component and Outlook4Gmail plugin.
- Increased application stability, performance optimization, various non-critical fixes.
New in version 4.4.3 (December 23rd, 2015)
- Ability to send a feedback using system Start Menu Programs
- Increased application stability, performance optimization, various non-critical fixes
New in version 4.4.2 (November 30th, 2015)
- Synchronization of X.400 and X.500 e-mail formats of Microsoft Exchange Server contacts
- Google Groups and Outlook Categories fix
- Loading optimization, fixed unloading of the add-on for Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007
- Increased application stability, performance optimization, various non-critical fixes
New in version 4.4.1 (June 2nd, 2015)
- Fixed synchronization of contacts with badly formatted relations
- Fixed hanging of the Calendar synchronization
New in version 4.4.0 (May 27th, 2015)
Features added:
- Added support of Recurrent event’s exceptions (occurrences)
- Added synchronization of “Visibility” field for Calendar events
- Added synchronization of “Spouse”, “File As” fields for Contacts
- Added ability to generate “File As” fields for Contacts in Outlook
- Improved “Delete items” dialog (provided more details)
Defects corrected:
- Improved Calendar synchronization (reduced amount of update requests)
- Fixed a case when contacts folder is not selected
- Fixed sync issues with “Birthday”,”Anniversary”, “Job”, “Company” for Contacts
- Fixed deletion of phone numbers in Google that don’t match phone number types in Outlook
New in version 4.3.2 (February 25th, 2015)
Features added:
- Added ability to find and remove duplicates in Contacts and Calendar events
- Added synchronization of “Busy Status” for Calendar events
- Prevent Outlook Security Programmatic Access Warning
New in version 4.3.1 (November 19th, 2014)
Features added:
- Added support of manual authorization. User could input Google authorization code for application
Defects corrected:
- Fixed synchronization of “All Day” events
- Fixed shifting events on synchronization
New in version 4.3.0 (November 14th, 2014)
Features added:
- Support of Google Calendar API version 3.0
- Improved account authorization for Google Services
- 7-day trial period
Defects corrected:
- Occasional failures on synchronization of recurrent events like “the last”, “the 2nd”, “the 1st” and etc.
New in version 4.2.2 (August 19th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed syncing of appointment description format in Outlook
- Fixed processing of “Invalid” and “Ambiguous” time values (Daylight saving time issue)
New in version 4.2.1 (August 5th, 2014)
Features added:
- Added “4 hours”, “8 hours” and “12 hours” selects to scheduled synchronization options
Defects corrected:
- Fixed synchronization of events that never happen (Occurrences = 0)
- Fixed synchronization of non-standard recurrent events like “the last”, “the 2nd”, “the 1st” and etc.
New in version 4.2.0 (July 23rd, 2014)
Features added:
- Added ability to skip synchronization of old events (older than 1 month, older than 1 year and etc.)
- Added support of “24 hours” option by scheduled automatic synchronization
Defects corrected:
- Improved synchronization of events with incorrect start date
New in version 4.1.12 (July 14th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Improved appearing of the tray messages
- Fixed synchronization with Google account that does not have contacts
- Fixed access to temporary folder
New in version 4.1.11 (April 17th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed contacts synchronization (provided support of the latest Google update)
New in version 4.1.10 (April 17th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed user picture synchronization (provided support of the latest Google update)
- Improved performance of contacts/calendars synchronization
- Added restore settings from backup in case of load settings failure
New in version 4.1.9 (April 11th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed user picture synchronization (provided support of the latest Google update)
- Improved performance of contacts/calendars synchronization
- Added restore settings from backup in case of load settings failure
New in version 4.1.8 (February 19th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Improved user interface (Outlook ribbon, toolbar, menu and etc.)
- Improved contacts groups synchronization
New in version 4.1.7 (February 12th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Improved event synchronization with custom timezones
- Fixed support of “Invalid” and “Ambiguous” time values (Daylight saving time)
New in version 4.1.6 (January 30th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed support of custom DPI settings
- Improved synchronization of “Canceled” and “AllDay” events; events with poorly-formatted data
New in version 4.1.5 (January 14th, 2014)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed process of deletion calendar events
- Added new google contacts to “My Contacts” group
- Improved contacts pictures synchronization
- Improved contacts groups synchronization
New in version 4.1.3 (December 17th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed processing of recurrent events with undefined timezone
- Improved Google Groups Cleaning up
New in version 4.1.2 (December 14th, 2013)
Features added:
- Automatic start of missed schedule synchronization on Outlook start
Defects corrected:
- Fixed processing of recurrent events with incorrect “Interval” parameter
- Improved Google Groups Cleaning up
New in version 4.1.1 (December 13th, 2013)
Features added:
- Improved application ribbon that makes easier access to synchronization options
- Added full support of all contact’s phone number types
- Added support of multiple Outlook Data Files (.pst)
- Added support of Internet Calendars
- Added option to clean up empty Contact Groups on synchronization
Defects corrected:
- Fixed processing of range occurence of calendar events
- Fixed all-day events synchronization
New in version 4.0.26 (November 15th, 2013)
Features added:
- Added balloon tooltips control to “Miscellaneous” dialog
New in version 4.0.25 (October 25th, 2013)
Features added:
- Added option to skip appearing of tray messages to settings file
Defects corrected:
- Fixed “Accounts” dialog on edit of contact’s folder
New in version 4.0.24 (October 23rd, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Improved time zone processing
New in version 4.0.23 (October 17th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed processing of groups and categories
- Fixed updating contact’s pictures
New in version 4.0.22 (October 16th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Improved contacts synchronization
New in version 4.0.21 (October 12th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed processing of corrupted settings file
- Improved communication between application components
New in version 4.0.20 (October 12th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed loading of log events
- Improved calendar events synchronization
New in version 4.0.19 (October 5th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed and improved exponential backoff request with Google Contacts, Calendars and Appointments
- Fixed and improved License verification
New in version 4.0.18 (October 4th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed installation process
- Fixed yearly recurrent events for Outlook 2007
- Improved error handling
- Google batch request processing
New in version 4.0.17 (October 3rd, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Google batch request processing
New in version 4.0.16 (October 1st, 2013)
Features added:
- Support of exponential backoff to retry failed requests
New in version 4.0.15 (September 30th, 2013)
Features added:
- Support of exponential backoff to retry failed requests
New in version 4.0.12 (September 24th, 2013)
Features added:
- Improved application startup performance
Defects corrected:
- To avoid locks of data on syncing, enabled sequential syncing mode
New in version 4.0.11 (September 21st, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed synchronization of yearly recurrent appointments with Outlook
New in version 4.0.10 (September 18th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed processing of iteration counter for recurrent events
New in version 4.0.9 (September 14th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed “The entry is already part of this collection” issue on processing batch requests
- Fixed processing of inconsistent recurrent events
New in version 4.0.8 (September 13th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed processing of recurrent events ‘by month day’
- Provided continuing of calendar appointment syncing whenever a parsing error occurs
New in version 4.0.7 (September 12th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Improved error handling
- Fixed updating calendar’s names in settings file
Known issues:
- Hourly’, ‘minutely’, ‘secondly’ calendar events are not supported
- Recurrent event’s exceptions (occurences) are not supported
New in version 4.0.6 (September 9th, 2013)
- Fixed installation process
New in version 4.0.5 (September 9th, 2013)
- Fixed issue with duplication of empty Contact’s Groups
- Fixed processing of user-defined time zones
New in version 4.0.4 (September 9th, 2013)
- Fixed signing of installation files
New in version 4.0.3 (September 9th, 2013)
- Fixed processing of recurrent events like ‘last Sunday of October’
New in version 4.0.2 (September 9th, 2013)
- Fixed group membership for new contacts in Google
- Fixed annual events synchronization
New in version 4.0.1 (September 9th, 2013)
- Fixed processing of registration data
New in version 4.0 (September 9th, 2013)
- Synchronization of Contact Categories with Google Groups
- Synchronization of Contact Pictures: the simplest way to sync contacts with profile photos (user avatars)
- Synchronization of Calendars from multiple Google accounts with Outlook
- Support of multiple Gmail accounts with support of ‘one-to-many’, ‘many-to-one’ and ‘many-to-many’ relationships
- Automatic scheduled synchronization by time interval
- Application menu which provides access to the main application functionality and settings (Outlook 2003-2007)
New in version 3.2 RC 2 (April 30th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Fixed installation on systems with 32-bit MS Office and 64 Windows
- Fixed support of custom user accounts in case of application installation by user account with administrator privileges
- Fixed installation on systems with MS Office 2007 installed, but without Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 installed
- Fixed access to shared resources
- Fixed data deserialization on reading supplemental files
- Fixed Birth data synchronization
- Fixed Anniversary date synchronization
- Fixed address (street, zip code, city and etc.) synchronization
New in version 3.0 (April 30th, 2013)
Features added:
- Outlook user interface keeps responsive during data synchronization, the synchronization process can be canceled
- Improved application ribbon that displays all application features (requires MS Outlook 2007 or higher)
- Assignment folders to accounts
- Synchronization filter that skips synchronization of unreliable contacts (contacts without required information, such as email address or phone number)
Defects corrected
- Ability to synchronize large amount of data
New in version 2.6 (April 30th, 2013)
Features added:
- Automatic disabling of real time update feature for Gmail contacts source for one-way synchronization
- Captcha input required during logging in to Google
Defects corrected:
- Automatic processing of Outlook contacts data and properties improved and accelerated
- Google accounts options fixed
- Real time update fixed
New in version 2.5 (April 30th, 2013)
Features added:
- New Google contacts imported from Outlook added to ‘My Contacts’ group
- Synchronization process strongly improved
Defects corrected:
- Synchronization process progress bar
- Clean-up of Google contact groups tags after synchronization
- Crash during processing names containing quta characters
- Deleted contacts management
- Slow plugin startup
New in version 2.4 (April 30th, 2013)
- Add/Delete button for accounts list added
Defects corrected:
- Duplicate contacts issue fixed
New in version 2.3 (April 30th, 2013)
Features added:
- Synchronization settings added
- Items deletion prompt added
Defects corrected:
- Contacts synchronization fixed
New in version 2.2 (April 30th, 2013)
Defects corrected:
- Installation for Outlook x86 under Windows x64 platform fixed
- Contacts synchronization fixed
- Plugin initializing for Outlook 2003 fixed
New in version 2.1 (April 30th, 2013)
Features added:
- Outlook 2010 support
- Outlook x64 support
Defects corrected:
- Plugin startup fixed
New in version 2.0 (April 30th, 2013)
Features added:
- Real time contacts update
Defects corrected:
- Crash on deleting the last item from the mail accounts table
- Empty Outlook contact field does not affect a corresponding Gmail contact field change
- After adding an account with the same name a warning message appears several times
Known Issues:
- Licensing has not been implemented yet
- Contacts synchronization cannot be cancelled
- When unloading the plugin in Outlook 2003 the Outlook4Gmail
- Page is cleared but not deleted from the opened Tools dialog
- After Tools reopening the page is not displayed
New in version 1.0 (April 30th, 2013)
Features added:
- Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 support
- Different policies of contacts update are supported
- Credentials for multiple Gmail accounts are stored
Known Issues:
- When unloading the plugin in Outlook 2003, the Outlook4Gmail
- Page is cleared but not deleted from the opened Tools dialog
- After Tools reopening the page is not displayed